Rumahweb Blog

Private Network Maintenance 6 Maret 2011

Salah satu datacenter yang digunakan Rumahweb akan melakukan maintenance pada private network. Maintenance ini akan mengakibatkan server terganggu selama beberapa jam karena volume iSCSI yang terkoneksi melalui private network akan terputus. Berikut adalah pengumuman resmi dari pihak Softlayer mengenai hal ini :

SoftLayer Scheduled Maintenance – Private Network [03/06/2011]
Date: Sunday, March 6, 2011 (03/06/2011)
Start Time: 12:00 AM CST
End Time: 05:00 AM CST
Services affected: Private Network Services
Location: DAL01
Duration: 5 hours
SoftLayer Engineers will be performing maintenance on MBR01.DAL01 (Master Backend Router) in a continued effort to maintain router functionality, performance, and add additional feature sets. During this maintenance, Engineers will be augmenting the current MBR01.DAL01 router with a redundant pair. This maintenance is scheduled to start at 12:00 AM CST until 5:00 AM CST on March 6th, 2011 (3/6/2011). While no BCR routers on the private network are scheduled for maintenance, they will be directly impacted by this maintenance as private connectivity between BCR routers will be lost.

Devices being directly changed during maintenance:
– MBR01.DAL01
This maintenance will impact the following services:
– SoftLayer Customer Portal Access
– DNS Resolution
– OS Updates
– Security Updates
– eVault
– IPMI Control
– Server Power Strip Control
– Server to Server Communication (Private Network)

Connectivity from other remote datacenters such as Dallas 05, Dallas 07, Seattle 01, Washington DC 01, and Houston 02 will also be impacted. Customers are advised to disconnect any NAS and/or iSCSI mounts prior to this maintenance starting as a sudden loss of connectivity could potentially cause file system corruption and loss of data. Again, all customers on BCR01.DAL01, BCR02.DAL01, BCR03.DAL01, BCR04.DAL01, and BCR05.DAL01 will be directly impacted by the maintenance performed on MBR01.DAL01.

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